12. VBA Tips - Get Rid Of Annoying Message Boxes When Closing Excel
Submitted by Nick on 10 April, 2009 - 10:48
Are you annoyed by that message box that pops up asking if you want to save changes when you close your sheet ?
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11. VBA Tips - Find The Last Cell
Submitted by Nick on 9 April, 2009 - 15:18
Often in VBA, you're dealing with ranges whose size changes all the time
- New data is added at the end
- How do you find the last cell ?
- How do you add data to the first free cell ?
Well, it just so happens that there is a cunning trick to help you out.
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73. Excel Tips - Copy And Paste The Same Formula
Submitted by Nick on 9 April, 2009 - 10:55
Why is there no easy way to copy and paste the same formula ?
- Copy and paste will change the cell references if the references are not fixed.
- Cut and paste removes the formulae from the original place and changes cell references if not fixed.
So, to explain more... We have this:
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72. Excel Tips - Use Inverted Commas In Excel Formula
Submitted by Nick on 9 April, 2009 - 10:12
Adding inverted commas (quotation marks) to a piece of text is a little fiddly:
- Just typing ="" will return nothing in a cell
- It turns out that you need to use: ="""" (4 inverted commas) to return "
Here's how it looks in Excel:
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71. Excel Tips - Display Excel File Path
Submitted by Nick on 9 April, 2009 - 08:55
This is an extremely useful tip if you did not already know it:
- There's a way in Excel to display the file path of the current open file.
- You can add it to your toolbar, and then copy it from there whenever you need it.
Here's a screen shot of our Excel:
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Using the forms control bar to create interactive models. a video.
Submitted by nickgogerty on 8 April, 2009 - 19:36feel free to improve on this video and use other forms. I tried embedding the flash video I made, but it didn't work. Hint Adobe Captivate makes great videos like the one below and is available for free 30 day trial download.
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10. VBA Tips - Update Statusbar
Submitted by Nick on 8 April, 2009 - 14:21
This VBA tip is for people designing systems in Excel:
- You've written some code that takes a while to run
- You don't want your users to think nothing is happening
- This tip shows you how to update them on the code's progress
The example we will use is that of changing a cell's value from 1 to 1000.
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9. VBA Tips - Run Code Every Hour, Minute or Second
Submitted by Nick on 8 April, 2009 - 13:31
In this VBA tip, we will learn how to run a piece of code every hour, minute, second or indeed any time:
- Suppose you have a live feed coming in for a share price
- You want to record your own price history for later analysis
- This tip will show you the code you need for this.
Here's our data:
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70. Excel Tips - Freeze Panes
Submitted by Nick on 8 April, 2009 - 10:44
Do you have a large amount of data that goes off the bottom of the screen ?
- If you do, and you want to keep the headings in view, then this tip is for you
Here's a screen shot of our data in Excel:
Here's how to keep the headings in view
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69. Excel Tips - Show Formulae
Submitted by Nick on 8 April, 2009 - 10:11
Most regular Excel users have discovered today's functionality by accident, and ask what on earth has happened!
Heve you ever seen your Excel sheet do this ?:
What has happened is that you have changed the view from a normal one to one showing the formulae.
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68. Excel Tips - Separate Text
Submitted by Nick on 7 April, 2009 - 18:07
This tip shows you a quick and easy way to separate text without using formulae. Suppose we have the following data:
and we want this:
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67. Excel Tips - Remove unwanted characters
Submitted by Nick on 7 April, 2009 - 13:16
If you have used Excel for your every day job, I am sure you will have come across this issue:
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66. Excel Tips - American date to proper date.
Submitted by Nick on 6 April, 2009 - 10:37
This tip is all about that annoying time when someone gives you some dates for your spreadsheet and they come in all wrong. What has happened ?
You will be painfully aware of it if you work in a multi-regional company, and you are in Europe.
Well... most likely, along the way, someone has been using an American date format:
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02-April-2009 - Update
Submitted by Nick on 2 April, 2009 - 13:00
April 2009 Stats update from
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Free Excel Training Videos
Submitted by Nick on 1 April, 2009 - 15:55
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Free Finance Training Videos
Submitted by Nick on 1 April, 2009 - 15:39
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Free VBA Training Videos
Submitted by Nick on 1 April, 2009 - 15:37
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8. VBA Tips - Concatenate Range
Submitted by Nick on 31 March, 2009 - 12:57
This tip is about doing what the Excel CONCATENATE function should be doing, but isn't !
Suppose we want to create a comma-separated list from a range or 2 ranges... How can we do that ?
- Write a customised function in VBA !
Here's out source Data:
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65. Excel Tips - Center Text Across Cells
Submitted by Nick on 30 March, 2009 - 13:02
This tip shows you how to center text across cells. Suppose you have the following arrangement, and you want the heading to span the whole table:
One option is to merge the cells.. right click => format cells => Alignment => merge cells.
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64. Excel Tips - Select Current Region - CTRL + A
Submitted by Nick on 27 March, 2009 - 11:05
This tip is on how to select the Current Region using a keyboard shortcut:
Suppose you have the following data:
Pressing CTRL + A will select a square around all the cells that are connected to the current cell.
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26-Mar-2009 Loads of new Excel Training Videos !
Submitted by Nick on 26 March, 2009 - 09:49
Hi all I have been extremely busy over the past week doing Excel training videos for the Excel tips and calculators... all recorded with the best free software that money can buy !!
; - >
There are 64 new Excel Training Videos with some gr8 tips and tricks..
Feedback welcome
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63. Excel Tips - Paste As Hyperlink
Submitted by Nick on 18 March, 2009 - 14:11
This tip teaches you how to paste as a hyperlink.
- This means that you create a hyperlink from an existing cell.
Step1: Create a new workbook.
Step2: Save it
Step3: Copy the cell you want to hyperlink to.
Step4: Select another cell, and click on the Paste ribbon... choose "Paste as hyperlink" Step by step training Video on how to Paste As Hyperlink:
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18-Mar-2009 New training videos from
Submitted by Nick on 18 March, 2009 - 12:08Announcing some new training videos from
Facebook Texas Holdem Poker Training Video:
Buy Or Rent Calculator - Worked Example:
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62. Excel Tips - Small Numbers in Excel
Submitted by Nick on 17 March, 2009 - 16:02
Small numbers look odd in Excel.
A Very small number will look something like this: 3.38E-09
- This is scientific notation meaning 3.48*10^-9 (3.48 times 10 to the power of -9, or 3.48*0.000000001) The reason Excel does this (I think) is to be able to display a small number in a small space.
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12. Excel For Finance Tips - What is RISK ?
Submitted by Nick on 16 March, 2009 - 11:11
What is RISK ?
It’s a word we hear a lot these days...
CEO, Investment bank:
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11. Excel For Finance Tips - Will interest rates go up or down ?
Submitted by Nick on 14 March, 2009 - 10:38
UP !
I had a look at interest rates available on the market, and found the 1y rate to be 1.50% and the 5y was at 3.20%
Taking just these 2 rates, and assuming that there's no arbitrage, I calculated the 4y rate in 1 year's time to be 3.63%.
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61. Excel Tips - Last Friday of the month
Submitted by Nick on 12 March, 2009 - 11:49
Here's a tip for those of you who need to prepare end of month reports.
There's a way to calculate the last Friday of the month in Excel.
Here's how it looks in Excel:
So first, you enter a date.
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11. Excel For Finance Tips - Linear Interpolation
Submitted by Nick on 11 March, 2009 - 13:09
Interpolation is a methodology of guessing what the value would be in between 2 points.
Linear interpolation assumes that between the 2 points is a straight line.
Lets have a look at an example:
Suppose we know the Zero Rate for 1 year: 3% We also know the 4y Zero Rate: 8% ... how do we calculate the 2 year Zero Rate ?
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10-Mar-2009 NEW RELEASES - Training Videos for Buy or Rent Calculator
Submitted by Nick on 10 March, 2009 - 18:00 has teamed up with YouTube to provide Training videos.
A lot of people loved the Buy or Rent calculator, but they thought it was too complicated.
Well, hopefully these training videos will make it all clear.
There are 2:
1. An introduction to using the calculator
2. A worked example building up the calculation step by step.
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7. VBA tips - remove Hyperlinks
Submitted by Nick on 10 March, 2009 - 15:21Hyperlinks can be like mosquitoes
- Sometimes you can't see them and they get you when you're least expecting.
The reason is that even if you clear the contents of a cell, the hyperlink can remain. Time to blast them with a bit of VBA. It's easily done... Hyperlinks are stored on a sheet by sheet basis, so all you have to do is to loop through the hyperlinks collection of the active sheet and delete them.
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