Hello, I want an excel program that will extract the contents (values of results) from the sheet (HND 1 FIRST) and display it as a sample of the first student (ABIODUN RACHAEL) attached.
(1) Out of the labels (Name, Matric No, Department, Programme, Session), the matric no will be the variable to use to get the name and the corresponding student.
(2) The student results will automatically extracted into the new page for printing like the sample attached.
(3) The Course Codes, Course Units and Course Titles are in the attached document as (COURSE)
(4) In the each student result, the row with alphabet codes A, B, C, D, F, AB represent Grade column in the corresponding print result.
(5) In the each student result, the row next to the grade’s row is the score row which is the actual score for each course and the value is expected to be copied into the score column in the print result page
(6) In the each student result, the row next to the score’s row is the point row which is the actual point the student get for each course and the value is expected to be copied into the Credit Point column in the print result page
(7) In the table below in the print result page, TCP is the total credit point of the whole courses boldened under Credit Point column. TNU is the total unit of the offered courses boldened under Unit column in the print result page. GPA is the grade point.
(8) Previous TCP, TCU, and GPA is empty because the results is the first of it kind for the set of the student while Cummulative GPA, is the same values with the present GPA because it is the result of first semester.
(9) Course Still Outstanding (CSO), represent courses that the student failed with grade of (F or AB) in the main result such as student with serial no 12, 15, 17, 26, 33, 38, 40, 41, 42 and 44. The student with course that carries this grade F or AB, should have the corresponding course code be copied infront of the CSO such as ADEWALE TOSIN attached.
Thanks in anticpation
Attachment | Size |
EXCEL RESULT.zip | 95.58 KB |
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