BIG Excel Size issue
I have created one excel file which is of size around 60 MB. I have found that this size is only due to worksheets "Item Formal Check", "Old VS New - All MKT Check", "Old VS New - All FCT Check", "Old vs New - All Prod Check VOL", "Old vs New - All Prod Check VAL" ,"Trend Brand" and "Trend Products".
In all the worksheets lots of links and formulas are applied.
Due to large size I could not able to send into mail which is of limit of 4 to 5 MB.
I have tried to attached excel file howwever duw to large size I could not able to attach it. Please let me know how i can send you file to you.
Kindly requesting you that is there any solution to reduce the size of this workbook.
Thank you so much in advance for your great support and help.
Naimish Dalwadi
Several strategies
1. Save it as Excel binary file (.xlsb)
2. reduce formatting
3. remove formatting from unused cells
4. delete once again all empty rows and columns
5. Check this:, and this:
Sometimes you can reduce the
Sometimes you can reduce the size of a workbook by saving it in another format, then opening that, then saving again in the format you wanted. Might be worth trying this (ODF is a reasonable choice if the workbook isn't too complicated).