Nick's Day By Day Excel Experts Blog

Nick's picture

This is my blog... I am doing it so that I can track my own progress against where I think I should be.

Too much golf, and it'll all slip.

; - >

Nick's picture

Day 83

Pleased to have produced a new property calculator to address a specific problem:

- Should you stick with your "Buy To Let" Property, or sell it now ?

Follow the link for more information on the "Sell or Rent Out Calculator".

Nick's picture

Day 68

Well, quite a few things are happening.

Have focussed on 4 things recently

Am still looking for friends to add to my friends section so if you know anyone who'd like to help me out, a personal introduction would be appreciated.

Nick's picture

Day 63

Had an exciting meeting yesterday with the inspirational former head of education at my former employer.

He's now CEO of this company:

The plan we came up with was to create option pricing templates for the retail market.

This will be an excellent challenge of both creation and education.

Nick's picture

Day 62

Happy 2 Month anniversary to

Yesterday I launched a new Facebook Texas Holdem Poker Training calculator...

More on Facebook Texas Holdem Poker here..

I tested it out and it seemed to work pretty well.
It only does pre-flop at the moment, but can easily be modified to do the turn and river...

Nick's picture

Day 55

I have added a new section to say thanks to those who are helping the Excel Experts cause.

Excel Experts Friends

Nick's picture

Day 54

The advantage of working from home is that you can get to work easily.
This was particularly useful today as we're completely snowed in here in London.
Whilst playing Texas Holdem Poker last night, it struck me that I'm pretty rubbish, so as part of, I have decided to write a poker trainer in Excel. This is fairly tough.

Nick's picture

Day 50

I am proud to announce that has risen 8,615,049 ranks over the last three months according to some website.
Currently residing at 1,390,226...

Nick's picture

Day 49

Upgraded to Drupal 6.9.. I am getting better at this !

Nick's picture

Day 48

Canvassing feedback from ExcelExperts members on what they'd like to see from the site.

Lots of good ideas coming in..

Thanks to all !

Nick's picture

Day 47

I am kind of keen on property calculators right now seeing as property is the topic of the year. It has certainly been a non-stop dinner party topic of conversation in London over the past few years with hot debates between the "Sell To Rent[ers]" and the "Buy To Let[ers]".

I knocked this calculator up... it's a very simple calculator to work out how much your house might be worth since the market peaked.

Check out my "How Much Is My House Worth?" calculator