Need help with an error I keep getting in Excel VBA
I keep getting a byref type mismatch error whenever I try to run this program. It is supposed to find the zeros of the equation f(x)=3x^2+ln(x) through the bisection method. I have to find the zeros, and number of iterations it takes to get it. This is what I have so far and I'd appreciate it if someone could point out my mistakes.
Option Explicit
Function bisection_equation(n As Double) As Double
bisection_equation = 3 * (n ^ 2) + Log(n)
End Function
Sub bisection()
Dim x_low, x_high, x_guess, diff As Double
Dim i As Integer
x_low = Application.InputBox("Left Bound?", Type:=1)
x_high = Application.InputBox("Right Bound?", Type:=1)
i = 1
diff = x_guess
x_guess = (x_high + x_low) / 2
If bisection_equation(x_guess) < 0 Then
If bisection_equation(x_low) < 0 Then
x_low = x_guess
Else: bisection_equation (x_low) > 0
x_high = x_guess
End If
ElseIf bisection_equation(x_guess) > 0 Then
If bisection_equation(x_low) < 0 Then
x_high = x_guess
Else: bisection_equation (x_low) > 0
x_low = x_guess
End If
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until Abs(diff - x_guess) / x_guess < 0.000001
MsgBox "The zero is at: " & x_guess
End Sub
Misuse of DIM
Hi, your problem is a typical misuse of the Dim Declaration.
Dim x_low, x_high, x_guess, diff As Double
should be
Dim x_low As Double, x_high As Double, x_guess As Double, diff As Double
note that the " As Double" you have only applies to the last variable you declared.
you don't say where you're
you don't say where you're getting the type mismatch, but my guess is that it's from the inputs..
try changing this:
x_low = Application.InputBox("Left Bound?", Type:=1)
x_high = Application.InputBox("Right Bound?", Type:=1)
to this:
dim UserInput as variant
UserInput = Application.InputBox("Left Bound?", Type:=1)
x_low = cdbl(UserInput) ' line 1
UserInput = Application.InputBox("Right Bound?", Type:=1)
x_high = cdbl(UserInput) ' line 2
if it errors on line 1 or line 2, then it's not able to cast the input to a double