How to add the value of one cell to a totaling cell
I have a an Excel spreadsheet that I am trying to total 2 cells & display the total in one of these cells.
Basically I have a cell (A1) that holds a number for this week. I would like to add this number (A1) to the number in the annual total cell (B1), & have it displayed in cell B1. I hope this is clear enough. If it isn't please ask me about it so I can try to clarify it more.
adding cells
not entirely sure why you want to do this..
my recommendation is to create a formula in cell C1
.. this will add the 2 together
If you really want to do this manually, there's a way:
oopy cell A1
select B1
go: Edit => paste Special => Add
(or press in sequence: ALT + E + S then click Add)