Beforesave selecting all worksheets except one

I want to do a BeforeSave workbook macro which will select all worksheets in the active workbook except one worksheet. Is there a way to name the worksheet I don't want the BeforeSave macro to work on and rather than name each worksheet I want it to work on. this is a macro, which will be used in many workbooks with the same name for the worksheet that will not be included in the BeforeSave command, but the remaining worksheets in each workbook will have various names and number of sheets per workbook.

If i understand your

If i understand your question, you should be able to exclude the worksheet with an if statement in your event

sub name (before close)

dim ws as worksheet
dim wb as workbook
dim name as string
set wb=ActiveWorkbook
name = "Name of worksheet you do not want to process"

for each ws in wb
if <> name end if
next ws

Hope this helps

Thank you.

Thank you.