force msgbox in WSH(.vbe) to be on foreground
hello all,can any tell me ,how to force a msgbox made in windowsscripthost file(notepad .vbe) to be foreground always.
Haha ,the moment i uploaded this question, googled it again and found the solution.
MsgBox "Hello", vbOKOnly + 4096, ""
Thank you all.
self-solving questions.... we
self-solving questions.... we like those
; - >
How to hide code in WSH(.vbe) file
Tnx Nick , but please can u tell me how i can hide or encrypt the code in WSH(.vbe) file
I know i can use **Start Encode** to encrypt but i dunno where and how to use it, can u please help me...
Can you explain it with this example...
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 10
wshshell.sendkeys "a"
wscript.sleep 10
MsgBox "",524288+16+4096, "CLICK ON TAB FIRST "
msgBox "",524288, "CLICK ON TAB FIRST "
Thanks Ruth
Please help me,
Yet i m struggling , how to encrypt or hide my code in WSH or .VBE file.