File path inside VLOOKUP function
I have got a sheet having below formula:
=VLOOKUP($A12,'C:\DOCUME~1\DSULLI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Temporary Directory 1 for GTO Black Book Feb 2013\[BlackBook Download.xls]RR EI'!$B$9:$I$164,2,FALSE)/1000000
Strangely, the file does not exist on my machine but still I can see the result.
Not sure if this file is embedded inside the sheet?
Is there anyway I can open this file?
Note: If I change anything in the formula I get #NA which means the result is something to do with the file.
the lookup would have been
the lookup would have been done when the file did exist in the location (most likely a file opened from outlook and saved to a temp folder)
suggest looking through your email to find the file, then save it to a directory, and relink from there..
having said that, linking across workbooks is not something you should do for good design..