VBA EXCEL With AIX Server Patch Checking( Newbie Lv 0 knowledge)
I'm now little (Sad) boy intern in IBM company. they gave me to do " VBA excel that collect information of which AIX server of my client is not support which version of patch. i have problem on Excel side but on Shell Script i will find the way later
the main thing is i want to "learn" how can we collect the files that have same name and show result in the excel tabel and just grap some line of version information from each (text)file to compare with the version of patch
I need the Light that show me what i have to study, to practice, i really have no clue here.
any materials, tutorial, example code, example file will be very very thank you from me
(sorry for my bad english)
can you try to rephrase the
can you try to rephrase the question so we can help you better...
If you would like to learn VBA, start here: VBA -110 tips
I will try to study about it
I will try to study about it and sum up the questions to ask You
Thank You A lot