Dinamic Variable Memory

Hi All,

Is any body could help me.. ?

I have 10 variables name in a FORM, for example : Prd1, Prd2, Prd3, Prd4.....Prd10
To make calculation or adding value for all variables, is there any way to write the syntac using the FOR ... NEXT ?

For Example :

for i=1 to 10
Prd & i.value = i
next i


Hi Aqiq.I don't know if there

Hi Aqiq.I don't know if there is a way to do what you want although I'm pretty sure there is but may I suggest using an array variable

Dynamic Variable Memory

Thanks Andy for your feedback.
As I mention before that the variable is name in UserForm.
I can make a manual calculation like total=Ps1+Ps2+Ps3.... + Ps15. But if there is a better way, why not ?
Could you share to me your suggestion to using an array ?
Looking forward your help.


Hi Aqiq.. You use an array in

Hi Aqiq..
You use an array in a userform in exactly the same as for modules and worksheets...
The big advantage of arrays of course being that you can iterate through them .