Calculate absolute time difference between two dates and times while excluding weekends and non-working hours.
I’m writing a script for a delivery performance where I want to compare the planned date and time of delivery with the actual delivery date and time.
It gets a bit complicated since I want to exclude weekends and non-working hours (workday is between 0600-22.15) from the result and I want an early delivery to be weighted the same as a late delivery, given that the absolute difference from the planned date and time is the same.
Can someone help me with a code which calculates the absolute difference between two dates and times which excludes non-working hours and weekends in the way the attached picture suggests.
Thanks for your help!
Best regards
My specifications:
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64 bit
Microsoft office Professional Plus 2010 32 bit
MS project
Hello Erik,
You really need to do it with Excel, because for this kind of purpose I think you could do it easily on MS project. what do you think?
Anyway I will try to find a way to do it on Excel.
Catia Santos