Creating a compliacated table
Hello All
I would like to make a table to compare between the following:
3 telecom operators: Operator 1, Operator2 and Operator 3
In terms of the following: Customer Satisfaction, Market Share, NPS and Customer Base.
In 3 cities: Cairo, Alexandria, Giza
How can I design a table including all of these data?
Note: the customer staisfaction includes the following: coverage, quality of netoworks, easiness.
I expect that what I mentioed made my query not clear enough.
Let me give you more details about what I watned to do.
I would like to make a comparison between 3 operator inn terms of the following: Customer Satisfaction, Market Share, NPS and Customer Base. I can make a table regarding this input. As in the column I can mentionn the name of the operator, and in the cell I can put the critera (NPS, Customer base and etc.). The table will be filled by the output of the market survyies.
What makes it too difficult to me is to make a comparison in 3 cities. So now where can I add the cities in the table.
What make it more difficult is that one of the categories which is (Customer Staisfaction) in cludes 3 variables. so that is why I consider it too much complicated.
Hope that helps you understand what I am looking for.
Thanks in advance for your support.
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