
Using a VLookup formula, I need to change the value that displays when my condition is not met.. its currently set to #N/A.. I need it to display "YES" adding ad If statement is creating a circular reference.. (not sure why).


Mask error value from VLOOKUP


You can use the following:

 = IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C1, $A$1:$B$100, 2, False)), "YES", VLOOKUP(C1, $A$1:$B$100, 2, False))


VLOOKUP can return #VALUE! if column index is less than 1 and #REF! if column index is greater than the number of columns in table array. If you want to ingore this error too and your Excel version is 2007-2010, you can use a shorter formula:

 = IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C1, $A$1:$B$100, 2, False), "YES")


Best regards.