Using formulae to automate cell referencing

Hi all

I have spreadsheets running with columns for each month in a year, for several years.

In each column I have a data set, and I have a COUNTA formula inserted in each column to determine the number of data instances in each column.
(There are no blanks)

In addition, in each column I have different COUNTIF formulas inserted.

Each column has a different number of rows of data.

The first formula I always refer to is say, C1=COUNTA(B10:B20017), which returns a value of 14166.

Currently, for each month, for each column I am typing in further formulas, say:
>> C2=COUNTIF(C10:C14175,"new")

For the *C10:C14175* reference I currently have two options:
>> Either highlight the range, or
>> Just manually type in the *C14175*, and in manually doing so, what I'm actually doing is taking the COUNTA result above of 14166, and mentally adding 9 to it, every time in each column.

What I would like to find out is if it is possible to have some sort of formula which would do this for me, something like:
C2=COUNTIF(C10:C(C1's result),"new")
>> This does not work.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Try this

Try this instead


Kind regards


Thanks for your response.

Your formula actually returned an error message.

Though when retyping it in, looking at the excel prompts, your formula was just missing a FALSE/TRUE argument before ,"new")

The correct formula works as follows, and thanks for pointing me in the right direction:


This INDIRECT formula is a great, great help.