Linked List Hierarchy extraction

Vishesh's picture

The following code filters a list of employee falling under the select employee in a hierarchy. Download the attached file and see how it works.

Employee Hierarchy



Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Dim strFinalList As String
Sub Filter_Click()
    Dim strHead As String
    strFinalList = vbNullString
    strHead = InputBox("Employee Id:", "Linked list filter")
    If strHead = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
    'Pass Employee Id Col# and Manager Id Col# or you can have your

    'own search columns

    Call FilterList(Sheet1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion, strHead, 1, 3)
End Sub
Sub FilterList(rngDataWithHeader As Range, strEmployee As String, intEmployeeCol As Integer, intManagerCol As Integer)
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim arrData
    Set wks = rngDataWithHeader.Parent
    strFinalList = vbNullString
    arrData = rngDataWithHeader
    Call GetReportees(strEmployee, arrData, intEmployeeCol, intManagerCol)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    If Not wks.AutoFilterMode = False Then wks.AutoFilterMode = False
    strFinalList = strFinalList & ";" & strEmployee
    rngDataWithHeader.AutoFilter Field:=intEmployeeCol, Criteria1:=Split(strFinalList, ";"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    strFinalList = vbNullString
    If IsArray(arrData) Then Erase arrData
    Set wks = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetReportees(strHead As String, arr, intEmpIdCol As Integer, intManagerIdCol As Integer)
    Dim lngX            As Long
    Dim strReportees    As String
    Dim arrReportees
    For lngX = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
        If arr(lngX, intManagerIdCol) = strHead Then
            strReportees = strReportees & ";" & arr(lngX, intEmpIdCol)
        End If
    Next lngX
    strReportees = Mid(strReportees, 2)
    If strReportees <> vbNullString Then
        If strFinalList = vbNullString Then
            strFinalList = strReportees
            strFinalList = strFinalList & ";" & strReportees
        End If
        arrReportees = Split(strReportees, ";")
        For lngX = LBound(arrReportees, 1) To UBound(arrReportees, 1)
            Call GetReportees(CStr(arrReportees(lngX)), arr, intEmpIdCol, intManagerIdCol)
        Next lngX
    End If
    If IsArray(arrReportees) Then Erase arrReportees
End Sub
Link List Employee Hierarchy.xlsm18.23 KB