48. Excel Tips - Add 2 strings together in Excel

Adding 2 strings together is very easy in Excel.
There are a couple of ways.
Method1: use: &" "& NOTE - this adds a space between the 2 strings Here's an example:
Method2: use CONCATENATE
If the CONCATENATE function were designed properly, it would allow you to enter a range instead of each value separately, and it would allow you also to enter a separator.
Consequently, I prefer Method1.
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Slight Amendment...
You can enter... =CONCATENATE(C3," ",D3) ..and that will work too. So, that function does allow you to put the space between 1st and Last names.
Good spot
Well spotted... I've never thought of that.
I hope you'll agree though, it's still a rubbish function... ; - >
I've written this: http://excelexperts.com/VBA-Tips-Concatenate-Range to do what it ought to.
Is there any advantage of using "CONCATENATE" instead of "&" ? If no why they keep "CONCATENATE" function.
Both are same in output
Both Concatenate and & are same in operation, there is no difference.
only visible difference is, & is less key strokes that concatenate! And quick to use and visualize.