Teach Yourself Excel Lesson 14 - Copy A Formula

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Copy A Formula

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In the last lesson, we entered a formula. We now want to apply that formula to all the dates in column A.

There's a quick way to copy a formula that saves us from entering it again and again.


  1. Select range F1 and G1 (the 2 cells)
  2. In the bottom right of your selection, there is a small black square
    • Double click on this.
    • copy-a-formula
  3. The formulae will now be copied down to the end of the data, and they will recalculate.



Your sheet should now look like this

Next Lesson: Teach Yourself Excel Lesson 15 - Insert A Column

Training Video on how to copy A Formula in Excel:

copy-a-formula.xls29 KB

retrieve text from DOS

hi,,,i want to copy some text from an already opened window//

I also wana check(compare) the written text in DOS window with mine,, like i wana check wht is written in 2/5 cursor position in dos or a dos like window(screen),,,can u plz suggest some code.

i already got the code to reach that already opened window,,just want code for retriving text from DOS>


a friend