VLOOKUP formula
When using formula [=VLOOKUP(A2,Orders!$H$20:$I$22,2,FALSE)] are situations when the results are FALSE and in output cells is produce FALSE.
How to avoid that, and insted just have empty cells?
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VLOOKUP formulaWhen using formula [=VLOOKUP(A2,Orders!$H$20:$I$22,2,FALSE)] are situations when the results are FALSE and in output cells is produce FALSE. |
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RE: VLOOKUP formula
Wrap VLOOKUP with IF function:
= IF(VLOOKUP(A2, Orders!$H$20:$I$22, 2, FALSE) = FALSE, "", VLOOKUP(A2, Orders!$H$20:$I$22, 2, FALSE))
Best regards.