roster date

hi, i have attached a spreadsheet that i originally recorded a macro for that calculates a roster for the group that i work with - it basically went backwards/forwards weeks. An acquaintance then "enhanced" it for me to quickly scroll back to the current week (ThisWeek VBA). I am now trying to use the VBA in this last change to have the roster go to a specified date (for example - so people can see what shift they are doing at easter, xmas etc)- have called this "ToWeek" but at the moment it is just a copy of the other VBA. My excel knowledge is pretty basic and i have tried altering the "ThisWeek" VBA but to no avail. Hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Happy to provide further information if needed,

roster anon1.xlsm26.74 KB

roster date

Was looking at my post and thought it sounded a bit confusing. Basically what i need is for the "ThisWeek" VBA to be altered to run the forward/backward macro for a specified date (i.e. value in cell m14). Hope this adds some clarification to my question.
oh, and here's the VBA code for "ThisWeek":

Sub ThisWeek()

Dim myRosterStartDate As Date
Dim myToday As Date
Dim DeltaDays As Double

'Get today's date
'Get the roster start date
myToday = Date
myRosterStartDate = Range("E3")

'Get the number of days between the roster start date and today
DeltaDays = myRosterStartDate - myToday

'Move backward until this week is displayed
While DeltaDays > 0
Call backward
myRosterStartDate = Range("E3")
DeltaDays = myRosterStartDate - myToday

'Move forward until this week is displayed
While DeltaDays < -6
Call forward
myRosterStartDate = Range("E3")
DeltaDays = myRosterStartDate - myToday
End Sub