Looking for a option strategy calculator
I am looking for an option strategy calculator - say Calendar spreads/Credit Spreads. I want to be able to plug in values and plot charts. Would you recommend any commercially available addins?
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Looking for a option strategy calculatorI am looking for an option strategy calculator - say Calendar spreads/Credit Spreads. I want to be able to plug in values and plot charts. Would you recommend any commercially available addins? |
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option strategy calculator
I am planning to write some
- u can be the tester... ; - >
The strategy tester
I would love to be the tester. I actually intend to place these trades, so there is bottomline impact and trust me, I will test WELL :)
I was thinking of a small web page to do this
- First decide on the strategy based on my opinion of the stock - Strongly bullish (Credit PUT spread), Time Directional (Calendar Spread), Mildly bullish (Debit call spread)
- Then a screen to enter the multiple instruments - the eq and derivatives. (How do we get the prices on these?)
- Then the calculation of the actual loss and gain and the charting
- Laks