Needs Help - Extracting numerics from a variable string
Hi all the Gents and Wiz of Excel VBA, please lend me your genius minds.. I want a funciton or a code in VBA Excel to extract numeric from a given entries. Note that the length and the number of characters and numbers and the placement of " - " are variables. For Example
For LKDF-832J43-FI8329-7834 would yield would yield 83243-8329-7834
V93-394SKJF-24FH89UE77-FSD8 would yield 93-394-248977-8
9W248DFJ349-349-83K38-11 would yield 9248349-349-8338-11
Any help? Thanks Wizards
In cell A1 put any of your
In cell A1 put any of your entries like LKDF-832J43-FI8329-7834 and in cell B1 put the formula =ExtractNumbers(A1)
To make it work put the following code in a general module
Function ExtractNumbers(str As String) As String
Dim strMod As String
Dim x As Long
For x = 1 To Len(str)
Select Case Asc(Mid(str, x, 1))
Case Asc("a") To Asc("z"), Asc("A") To Asc("Z")
Case Else
If Not (Mid(str, x, 1) = "-" And strMod = "") Then
strMod = strMod & Mid(str, x, 1)
End If
End Select
Next x
ExtractNumbers = strMod
End Function
i made it a little more generic and it satisfied my need. i think it will extract all numerics from a string:
Thanks Vishesh
Many Thanks, Vishesh... Your geniusness shines happiness on this soul :).. Many thanks, bro.. Cheers
Your code would go a long way. Basically, what you provided is the core of most common data extraction purposes for data transformation. From this core, I could do modifications as the needs demand. But this is just great. I wish I had your expertise..
Many Thanks Vishesh.. You're the go-to guy!
Extracting Numerics from strings
Here is code that uses the function IsNumeric and a literal "-" to parse the string.
' Extract Numbers and dash '-' from cell
Function ExtractNumbers(data)
Dim ch, temp As String
Dim iIndex As Byte
' Initialize variable
temp = ""
' Loop string
For iIndex = 1 To Len(data)
ch = Mid(data, iIndex, 1)
If IsNumeric(ch) Then
temp = temp & ch
End If
If ch = "-" Then
temp = temp & ch
End If
Next iIndex
' Remove leading -
If Left(temp, 1) = "-" Then temp = Mid(temp, 2)
' Remove trailng -
If Right(temp, 1) = "-" Then
temp = Left(temp, Len(temp) - 1)
End If
' Return numbers
ExtractNumbers = temp
End Function