Need dynamic list to populate in another sheet & carry data in destination sheet with it when changed
I have 3 separate worksheets. Sheet 1 has a column with a list of numbers & text that will constantly be changing. That column also includes blanks & duplicates. In Sheet 2, I am clearing out all the blanks & duplicates using an "IF, ROWS, INDEX, MATCH" formula. In Sheet 3 in column A, I am using an "IFERROR, OFFSET, COUNTA" formula to re-populate the list from Sheet 2. I then am using the column B as a drop down list to give a status to each item in column A.
The problem I'm having is when a change is made to the "master" list in Sheet 1, column A in sheet 3 updates correctly, but column B obviously will not follow with it. Is there any way to achieve this???
Please help...
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