Match Strings in 2 columns copy the one match in one sheet and exclude the one found in other sheet
Hope to get an asnwer here. I have given below table to show you example, what I want is set of strings in column B (sheet 1) should match its words with sheet 2 column a and sheet 3 column a if any word is found in sheet 2 column a which is also found in sheet 3 column a then that word should be excluded from the out put like for examples you can check the first column of sheet 1 column C - ideally it should have copied alina, tim but since alina is found in sheet 3 column a it is excluded from the output and only tim is copied. Hope I made myself clear. Thanks in advance.
looks like you're going to
looks like you're going to get yourself in all kinds of trouble with these massive formulae..
recommend changing the approach to this:
1. Store data in cols with headings
2. Create pivot tables to make reports