looking for a formula

I am trying to capture in a excel formula the follwing:

if A1+A2 =100% and A1 > 50%, allocate 10 point
if A1+A2= 100% and A2 > 50% allocate 9
if A1+A2>75%<100% and A1> 50% allocate 8 Points
if A1+ A2>75%<100% and A2> 50% allocate 7 points
if A1+ A2> 50%<75% and A1 > 50% allocate 6 points

(A1 and A2 are cell values expressed in %)

Grateful for any tipp you might be able to give me what type of formula I could use.



looking for a formula

Hey Jerry,

Believe you must have figured out solution for the above said requirement. Still, if not then here's one for you;


But in above case for last condition, if A1+ A2> 50% <75% and if A1 < 50% irrespective of amount of B1, formula will return FALSE value.

Hope this helps