Look Up question


Im sure that this is most likely easier than it seems to be to me but what I am trying to do is the following

I have 2 Tabs in a spread sheet.

I want to populte the second tab with information from the first tab based on a certian criteria.

In sheet A i have 4 bits of information

order number

In Sheet B I have
Order number

What I need to do is populate Sheet B but only with the accounts in the name of smith.

I have tried doing this via a vlookup but can only get it to return the first instance of Smith, where as i need all of the Smith orders to be added.

Any help would be much appreciated.

I am using Excel 2007 in case that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Almir's picture

Look Up question

It is easier to use Advanced filter in this way:

1. on the same sheet insert 5-6 blank rows above your source data.

2. in the first blank row under "Account" enter "Smith"

3. leave at least one blank row between "Smith" and your original data

4. select your data, Filter, Advanced Filter, for criteria select column names and a row with criteria (Smith), choose copy filtered data to new location

5. click a single cell in unused space of worksheet and OK. You will get all data with Account "Smith"

6. copy filtered data to another sheet

Hope this helps,

Nick's picture

I think what you need to do

create a unique key by concatenating the 3 cols into a helper column, then using vlookup on that...