initiating a do until loop


I have a large set of data that I want to be extracted into certain phases. And I am trying to write a code to do so. For example the freezing cycle begins when the value in column F hits 1 and G is 18 goes until it F is 10 and G is -35 I am familiar with the do until loop which I have now and that will extract up until F is 10 and G is -15 However, is there a way to set an initial condition (F=1 and G=18)? The code below has it extracting and putting into new sheet. Thank you for your help!!

Dim mycount As Integer
mycount = 0
Dim myrow As Integer
myrow = 1
Dim oldrow As Integer
Dim startnext As Integer

mycount = mycount + 1
oldrow = myrow + 1
startnext = oldrow
Sheets("Data").Select ''must be name of sheet with data

Do Until Cells(myrow, 6).Value = "10" And Cells(myrow, 7).Value = "-35"
myrow = myrow + 1

ActiveSheet.Name = "FreezeData"
rows(oldrow & ":" & myrow).Select

Loop Until Sheets("Data").Cells(1, myrow + 1) = ""

Another quick note, while

Another quick note, while loops are much more common than until loops, I don't why this is, perhaps eat while hungry is more natural than eat until not hungry

A couple of quick points, my

A couple of quick points, my advice is comment first then code. Often the problem people are trying to solve has nothing to do with Excel or VBA, it is the logic that is the issue

From a pure VBA point of view, there is no need to initialize VBA variables, dim i as int automatically sets i = 0, there is an argument for initializing the variables explicitly but in this case it makes the code more difficult to read.

Cells().value returns the value of a cell not the text so the test should be of the form Cells.(i,j).value = 12, do not use the double quotes.

Read through your code and write a comment explaining exactly what each line is trying to do, this may give you some idea of the structure.

In general don't use copy and paste in VBA, use something like

dim i as long
dim c as range

for each c in source_range
target_range.cells(i).value = c.value
i = i + 1
next c