Export Excel Charts to PowerPoint

Vishesh's picture

 Here is the code to export all charts in a sheet to powerpoint. Just pass the worksheet object as function parameter and it will export all charts in it onto Powerpoint. Alternatively, you can also download the attached file and see how the code works.


Option Explicit
Function getPPPres() As PowerPoint.Presentation
    Dim PPApp As PowerPoint.Application
    'Reference instance of PowerPoint

    On Error Resume Next
    'Check whether PowerPoint is running

    Set PPApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
    If PPApp Is Nothing Then
        'PowerPoint is not running, create new instance

        Set PPApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
        'For automation to work, PowerPoint must be visible

        PPApp.Visible = True
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Reference presentation and slide

    On Error Resume Next
    If PPApp.Windows.Count > 0 Then
        'There is at least one presentation

        'Use existing presentation

        Set getPPPres = PPApp.ActivePresentation
        'There are no presentations

        'Create New Presentation

        Set getPPPres = PPApp.Presentations.Add
    End If
    Set PPApp = Nothing
End Function
Function getNewSlide(PPPres As PowerPoint.Presentation) As PowerPoint.Slide
    Set getNewSlide = PPPres.Slides.Add(PPPres.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
End Function
Sub ExportChartsToPPT(wksChartsFromSheet As Worksheet)
    Dim PPPres          As PowerPoint.Presentation
    Dim PPSlide         As PowerPoint.Slide
    Dim cht             As ChartObject
    If wksChartsFromSheet.ChartObjects.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No Chart to Export to Powerpoint", vbInformation, ""
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set PPPres = getPPPres
'    If PPPres.Slides.Count = 0 Then

'        Set PPSlide = getNewSlide(PPPres)

'    End If

    For Each cht In wksChartsFromSheet.ChartObjects
        Set PPSlide = getNewSlide(PPPres)
        PPSlide.Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, True
        PPSlide.Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, True
    Next cht
    Set cht = Nothing
    Set PPSlide = Nothing
    Set PPPres = Nothing
End Sub
Sub TestExecute()
    Call ExportChartsToPPT(Sheet2)
End Sub



Export Charts To PPT

ChartToPPT.xls35 KB
LadyRave's picture


Hello Vishesh,

I appreciate the code you provided. It works so well. I do have a few questions:

1) Is it possible to make the graphs/charts a little larger when exported into the powerpoint application?

2) Is it possible to modify the code to where the graphs/charts are ADDED to an existing powerpoint file instead of creating a completely new one?

3) Is it possible to modify the code to where you can specifically select which graphs/charts to add to the powerpoint file?

I look forward to your reply!!!

Excel charts - Powerpoint link-up

I´m Irina.

I really need some further help reagrds Excel features.
Was not able to find any solution to my question in the sources available in Internet =((

So the problem as follows:
I have a few tables on the separate Excel documents- let´s say 3 charts. All of them are connected between each other by formulas. And when I change the data in the first table, the results are changing and updating in the other charts too automatically.

Now I need to make a powerpoint presentation with the use of those tables. Since I have 3 tables, I have created 3 powerpoint slides and linked the excel tables to those slides. I cpied it in the way to get the preso updated whenever the Excel sheet updates.

But though the info changes simulteniously in all 3 excel tables, in the preso it changes just on the slide containing the very table I deal with in excel.
Not on all 3 slides ((((

Is there any way to link the slides between themselves like excel sheets in order to get the charts updated both in excel and on all powerpoint slides just with one click
whenever I change the original data the the 1st base excel table?

I will so much appreciate any feedback cause I have already the headache because of this. And this neeeed to be done.

Thanks u in advance.


Many thanks

Many thanks for this very useful code. Probably just worth mentioning that the appropriate MS Powerpoint Object Library needs to be activated under Tools -> References. In my case (Excel 2007) it was inactive by default.

Vishesh's picture

Yes, my mistake. I should

Yes, my mistake. I should have mentioned. However, here is the modified code that doesn't require the PowerPoint library to be added.

Function getPPPres() As Object
Dim PPApp As Object

'Reference instance of PowerPoint
On Error Resume Next
'Check whether PowerPoint is running
Set PPApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
If PPApp Is Nothing Then
'PowerPoint is not running, create new instance
Set PPApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
'For automation to work, PowerPoint must be visible
PPApp.Visible = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0

'Reference presentation and slide
On Error Resume Next
If PPApp.Windows.Count > 0 Then
'There is at least one presentation
'Use existing presentation
Set getPPPres = PPApp.ActivePresentation
'There are no presentations
'Create New Presentation
Set getPPPres = PPApp.Presentations.Add
End If
Set PPApp = Nothing
End Function

Function getNewSlide(PPPres As Object) As Object
Set getNewSlide = PPPres.Slides.Add(PPPres.Slides.Count + 1, 12)
End Function

Sub ExportChartsToPPT(wksChartsFromSheet As Worksheet)
Dim PPPres As Object
Dim PPSlide As Object
Dim cht As ChartObject

If wksChartsFromSheet.ChartObjects.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Chart to Export to Powerpoint", vbInformation, ""
Exit Sub
End If

Set PPPres = getPPPres

' If PPPres.Slides.Count = 0 Then
' Set PPSlide = getNewSlide(PPPres)
' End If

For Each cht In wksChartsFromSheet.ChartObjects
Set PPSlide = getNewSlide(PPPres)
PPSlide.Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, True
PPSlide.Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, True
Next cht

Set cht = Nothing
Set PPSlide = Nothing
Set PPPres = Nothing
End Sub


It works like heaven!! thanx :-)

Need Help

Can any One help me to write a excel macros that extract notes from powerpoint please??

Linked Charts

How can I copy charts from Excel to a power point presentation but without ultimately have the charts linked to the Excel file?

I mean, I can export them and have them in the slides, but I want to lose the link with the Excel, I need all the info to be in the slide itself as a part of it.

I have tried the link:=msoFalse etc and nothing seems to work.




Vishesh's picture

Delink Powerpoint chart from Excel

Check this link to delink the chart


Me Too!!

I've spent the day trying to export charts to Excel but without the data link back to Excel. I've read that it can be done, but can't seem to get it to work.

copy the chart, and paste

copy the chart, and paste special as an enhanced metafile