EXCEL 2010/2003
I have 2 versions of Excel. How to call out the application for both of them?
Shell "EXCEL"
Is it possible to tell with version should be open?
Thank you,
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launch excel.exe from it's
launch excel.exe from it's full file path
How to view the activated window
Hi Nick,
thanks for your brisk and clear answer.
Please, help me clearify one more point:
If I from my original excel file start a macro:
1. open PowerPoint
2. open Excel 1
3. open Excel 2
4. open WordDocument
PowerPoint stays always in the front and the rest in the backround.
Can I somehow switch to Excel, Word or to my original excel file - at the end of my macro or throughout the macro?
The problem is, that I cannot see the progress behind the screen.
And commands like AppActivate, GetObject or Open will not change the screen and all of them work in the backround of PowerPoint.
I hope, that you can help me hereby.
Best Regards,
have a play with this: Sub
have a play with this:
Sub PowerPointDemo()
Set ppt = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
ppt.Visible = True ' show the ppt
ppt.Visible = false ' hide the ppt
End Sub
ppt.Visible = false ' hide the ppt
It does not work - I do not know why.
I get this message:
Run/time error -2147188130 (80048240)
Application.Visible: Invalid request. Hiding the application window is not allowed.
what am I doing wrong?
I need only to switch between the windows, like with commands: ALT-TAB...
Thanks for your advice,
well...if appactivate doesn't
NickActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized
Hi Nick,
your suggestion works well, but which command could I use to minimized the window of Power.Point.
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized
Works well only for excel Window. How can I edit the command to minimized the window for Power.Point?
Thank a lot,