Defining path to template

I have the following code to define the path to an Excel template -
Set newSheet = Worksheets("sheet").Add(, memList, , _
"C:\Documents and Settings\ROGER JOHNSON\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\memSheet.xltx")
I've defined "newSheet" as Worksheet and "memList" as Object. but I get the error message 9 "subscript out of range"!! Can you help please? Roger

Worksheets or Workbook?

The "Type" parameter for Worksheets.Add refers to something else, not the template.
Workbooks.Add("C:\Documents and Settings\ROGER JOHNSON\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\memSheet.xltx")
should work but that is adding a new workbook. Not sure if that is what you are looking for.


That was me.

Defining path to template

I definately want a worksheet!! Going back to basics, I've a workbook "members" the first sheet of which contains members' details. Every call for a new sheet brings up a template form "sheet.xltx". This works!! So the call to XLSTART should bring up the template, but I'm getting the same error!! The complete code is -
Option Explicit
' Registration Macro
' Construct a registration form for each member.
Sub CreateNewWorksheet()
    Dim strX
    Dim Count                   'row counter
    Dim memList As Object       'list of members
    Dim sheet As Worksheet      'template form
    Dim newName As String       'full name
    Dim newName1 As String      'forename
    Dim newName2 As String      'familial name
    Dim nextMem As String       'next name
    Set memList = Worksheets("Members")
    Count = 2
    nextMem = Worksheets("Members").Range("E" & Count)
    Do Until Count = 6
'    Do Until nextMem = ""
    Set sheet = Worksheets("sheet.xltx").Add(,memList,     "C:\Documents and Settings\ROGER JOHNSON\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART")
    With sheet
         newName1 = Worksheets("Members").Range("A" & Count)
         newName2 = Worksheets("Members").Range("B" & Count)
         newName = newName2 & "_" & newName1
         .Name = newName
     End With
     Set memList = Worksheets(newName)
     Count = Count + 1
     nextMem = Worksheets("Members").Range("E" & Count)
End Sub
I've substituted "Count = 6" purely for testing purposes. Roger

Because Excel is bugged

This is what you want:
Set sheet = Sheets.Add(,memList, "C:\Documents and Settings\ROGER JOHNSON\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\sheet.xltx")

You missed the 2nd comma!!

You missed the 2nd comma!! But, I'm very grateful!! Hopefully I will leave you alone for a while!!
