Creating a Custom Formula

I will try to explain this in the clearest way possible-

I have a workbook with 3 columns that need to be calculated.
Column 1 - Names
Column 2 - Date In
Column 3 - Date Out

I need the 'Date In' to be subtracted from the 'Date Out' to determine how many days are in between, and then an average of those days per one name.

For example:

John 'January 1' 'January 4'
Sue 'January 3' January 4'
Mary 'January 2' 'January 4'
Sue 'January 4' 'January 6'

A formula to calculate the following-

John- (average) 3
Sue- (average) 1.5
Mary- (average) 2

Almir's picture

DATEDIF to calc date days between and pivot table for average


For each row add a column for calculation number of days between and type this: =DATEDIF(DateIn;DataOut;"D"). It will return number of days between two dates. Then, create pivot table, as follows: in "Rows" section put Names, in "Summary" section put newly calculated number of days. Change field settings from "Sum" to "Average".

If you need additional help let me know.