Create Statement from extract

I am really struggling with this one. Any help would be appreciated. Some pre works leaves me with a list of people who have travelled. I would like to be able to create seperate workbooks that have the header as per the attached rows 1-6 and then the all the same "cost centre owners" (column ad) information within each seperate workbook. So the attached would produce 4 workbooks called "a johnson", "msmith", "K Klien", "Richard James" with 1, 5, 5,1, rows of data respectively. These workbooks would be saved sepeartely in a specified location.

Statement.xlsx12.35 KB

Do you still need help?

I can help you do what you need with this question. Only limitation is that each sheet per person would be on the same file rather than having multiple files created. Let me know if this works and i can send you the file with this macro later on today or tomorrow.