COUNTIF = multiple fields
I am trying to create a schedule for my team. What I want it to do is count the numbered amount of tests due in column R if the column is blank. But if the column equals either 'pass, fail or deferred' as the text then I want it to subtract it from the total due.
What formula could I use for that?
It seems like =countblank should work, since i only want the count of cells that are empty and then when 'pass, fail or deferred' is entered it would then subtract those from the total. However, when i enter the =countblank formula, it says "FALSE" instead of a number.
the formula you need is =COUNTIF(D2:D8,"") replacing the range with the one you want evaluating.
This looks for blanks and will discount any cells that are updated with data.
Hope that helps
Hi kendrawithcats, Can you
Hi kendrawithcats,
Can you upload a sample data ? Thanks.