Convert File Names from Date to Day


I am trying to move files from one location to the another. The file names are in ABC_20110514.xls format. I only want to move files for last week i.e. ABC_20110516.xls to ABC_20110520.xls. Once I move the five files I want to rename them by getting rid of the dates in the name and just use the day name instead e.g. change ABC_20110516.xls to something like Monday.xls. The reason is because I want Monday.xls or Tuesday.xls to be updated every week with the new data. Could anyone please help!

I wonder

Is moving 5 files once per week worth automating?

Although you're moving Excel files, I don't think Excel is suitable for the job.

Actually i have to move these

Actually i have to move these files everyweek on a Friday as they are being the picked up by another model. Also it needs to be an automated procdure as part of the controls.

move files

Have a look at:

Kill FilePath - deletes the old file

FileCopy Sourcefile, DestinationFile - copies a file from one directory to another

To get the day of the week from the file name, use this:

Sub GetDayOfWeek()
Position1 = InStr(1, "ABC_20110514.xls", "_")
'- find the position of the "_"

Position2 = InStr(1, "ABC_20110514.xls", ".")
'- find the position of the "."

DateString = Mid("ABC_20110514.xls", Position1 + 1, Position2 - Position1 - 1)
myYear = Left(DateString, 4)
myMonth = Mid(DateString, 5, 2)
myDay = Right(DateString, 2)
DayOfWeek = Format(myDay & "-" & myMonth & "-" & myYear, "ddd")
MsgBox DayOfWeek
End Sub


name OldFileName as NewFileName - use this to rename your date stamped file as the day of the week.

Thank you very much for

Thank you very much for taking the time our out and helping me. I am actually very new to VBA so could you please explain the comments '- find the position of the "_"
and '- find the position of the "."

Your file name is

Your file name is ABC_20110514.xls

So in order to get the day, you need to get the date that is in the file name. It is between the _ and the .

What his code does is to get the position of those characters, then pick up the string in between it. The net effect is it will get 20110514

Thank you!

Thank you!