Multiple date from one cell

I need help on how can I extract multiple information from one cell given this data:

Date Filename  
5/11/2008 ER48113JBNML6-7-05JORGE_SANTOS 1
5/11/2008 SUPP48498CSTLA10-12-05NANCY_ANGELES  
5/11/2008 SXC49893DACSO12-7-05LUIS_SANTOS  


to other columns like this:

Date Type of Report Doctor Location DOE/DOR Patient Name
 5/11/2008  ER  JBN  ML  6-7-05  JORGE_SANTOS
 5/11/2008  SUPP  CST  LA  10-12-05  NANCY_ANGELES
 5/11/2008  SXC  DAC  SO  12-7-05  LUIS_SANTOS



1 2 3 4 5

1. ER/SUPP/SXC - Different type of Report (First 2 to 4 letters in the filename)

2. JBN/CST/DAC - Different Doctors (next 3 letters after the Type of Report and numbers)

3. ML/LA/SO - Location (next 2 letters after the Doctor)

4. DOE/DOR - after the Location

5. Patient Name - Last characters in the file name.


Please help me.

PatientNames.xls20 KB
Nick's picture

Patient Names

Patient Name

Hello! Thanks for all your help!

VBA based Solution

PatientNames does not answer correctly to the issue, and contain some mistakes.

Indeed, Doctor column shows numbers!, Location column shows Doctors ....

This solution will not work if the number next to Type of Report has a number of digits different form 5.

I suggest a VBA based solution that splits data as requested.

As soon as sheet 2 is activated, data is read from sheet 1, processed then copied to sheet 2.

NB: Formulas in sheet 1 are not used and can be deleted.


Imed Ghorbel.

JPH's picture

find the first number

To work with Types of  Report with more than 4 digits you should first locate the first number in de text.

If you have that you can use left(text; foundplace-1) to represent the Type of Report and work from there.


Re: find the first number

I developped a VBA solution on the file PatientNames posted above.

To download the solution please press on this link.

Dates and filenames should be entered in sheet 1.

Splitted data is processed in sheet 2, event code updates this sheet.


Imed Ghorbel