95. Excel Tips - Insert Alternate Blank Lines

Nick's picture

Here's a tip on how to insert alternate blank lines in about 20 seconds.

We have this:


And we want this:




To replicate:

  1. In the top cell to the right of your data type 1  (E8 in our example)
  2. In the next cell type 3
  3. Select the 2 cells, and double click on the small black square at the bottom right of your selection
  4. Copy the new selection. (CTRL + C)
  5. Press SHIFT + TAB, then press DOWN ARROW once.
  6. Press ENTER to paste.
  7. Select the current cell
  8. Type: =E8+1
  9. Double click on the small black square at the bottom right of your selection
  10. Select the original data and the new column
  11. Sort the data by the new column
  12. Delete the new column

Download sheet to practise how to Insert Alternate Blank Lines in Excel

Training Video on how to Insert Alternate Blank Lines in Excel:

insert-alternate-blank-lines.xls320 KB

Training Video on how to Insert Alternate Blank Lines in Excel

Training Video on how to Insert Alternate Blank Lines in Excel

Thank you
