Check if a worksheet already exists in a workbook

Vishesh's picture
Before adding a new sheet if you want to check if a sheet with the same name already exists then use the following function procedure. Download the attachment try the TestIt function in it in the module named 'mod_WorksheetExists'. Paste the following code in a general module and use it from anywhere in the workbook.
 Function blnWorksheetExists(strWorksheet As String) As Boolean
    Dim wksWorksheet As Worksheet
    On Error Resume Next
    Set wksWorksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(strWorksheet)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        blnWorksheetExists = True
        blnWorksheetExists = False
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set wksWorksheet = Nothing
End Function
WorksheetExists.xls22.5 KB

A couple of things, I don't

A couple of things, I don't think the set = nothing is necessary here.  you haven't created a new pointer to an interface you are using one created elsewhere, but I'm happy to be corrected on that.

I think you try to avoid using error handling as logic, it may have unintended consquences elsewhere.  The following function does that same:

Function DoesWorksheetExist(WorksheetName As String, Optional wbk As Workbook) As Boolean
    Dim blnRetVal As Boolean            '''The function return value
    blnRetVal = False                   '''We assume the worksheet doesn't exist
    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim wbkTarget As Workbook
    If wbk Is Nothing Then
        Set wbkTarget = ActiveWorkbook
        Set wbkTarget = wbk
    End If
    '''Loop through all the worksheets in the active workbook
    For Each wks In wbkTarget.Worksheets
        '''Text compare the worksheet's names.  If we have a match exit the loop.
        '''Note we do not exit the function at this point.  Reducing the number of exit points
        '''increases readability
        If StrComp(wks.Name, WorksheetName) = 0 Then
            blnRetVal = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next wks
    DoesWorksheetExist = blnRetVal
End Function

without the on error resume next, it does this at the expense of extra overhead. 
My function runs approximately 50% slower.

Vishesh's picture

Code shortened further

 Function blnWorksheetExists(strWorksheet As String) As Boolean

    On Error Resume Next

    blnWorksheetExists = Not (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(strWorksheet) Is Nothing)

    On Error GoTo 0

End Function