Use entries in one sheet to populate several sheets on different Network shared drives -

Hello all - At work there a several Excel sheets and an Access DB on different Network shared drives that I update daily which contain some duplicate information. So, instead of opening them all and making the entries, is there a way I can have the entries in the sheets and DB get the data from the other sheets and DB?

There is also a label that needs to be created on occasion from information in all the sheets and DB and was curious if there is a way to create the label from the data in the sheets and DB.

Thanks in advance for any assistance,


Almir's picture

Use entries in one sheet to populate several sheets on different

Several solutions... I suggest linking Excel sheets and another DB tables in target Access DB. Then, create query (or more queries) which will update target DB tables with data from source sheets and DB.If this is too DB stuff, contact your DB Administrator or provide some example files.