Text boxes moving to Cell A1 on top of each other after turning off AutoFilter

I have a workbook with some code inside of it. When I turn off Autofilter after using the buttons in the top left of the sheet to filter by cell color all of the text fields on the entire sheet are moving to A1 on top of each other. I have no idea why this is happening nor is it throwing an error. I uploaded the sheet here www.justinvalinski.com/newTest.xlsm for further review. I tried uploading on this site but the file is too large to upload. This one is just perplexing so any advice or if you know of a fix PLEASE let me know as I've been staring this one down for quite some time now.

Almir's picture

Check text box properties

It could be that they are not "locked". Lock them, so they will not move.

Text Box Properties

If you would have downloaded the workbook you would have already seen that the text boxes are already locked.