Need help creating a Master file that will update all slave files

Hello, This is probably a simple issue Im just not well versed in excell.
I am trying to do the following:

I have a master file that a check list. This check list is used for each client.
The list has several columns.
Col 1 - has the task listed
Col 2- Is left blank on the master file to later be filled in on the slave/copy. Such as a date the task was compeleted.
Col 3 - will be a brief description of issues. THis info is handled exactly like Col 2.

I would like to add new tasks to the master file in col 1 and it automatically add the new tasks to the slave/copies files.

The one other aspect would be, for any existing tasks that were already on the list that in the slave/copy version has data inputed in column 2 and 3. that this information remain unchanged on the slave versions. This data would not be on the master copy for those columns would be left blanks for later fill out on the slave version.

Any luck in achieving this in Excell or Word?

YOur help is appreciated.
Sincerely, Sam

Almir's picture

Need help creating a Master file that will update all slave file

I am not sure that I have understood you correctly without example master and slave files.
However, I suggest on of two approaches:
1. Transfer data to some database packages as this is almost
exactly how databases operate; or
2. Try with "Compare and Merge" option in Excel. It helps you to create original file, distribute it and when files are filled you can merge all changes into original. I am not sure if this would solve your problem completely.