Macro stops running if date is not in past...

Sorry everybody but when I thought I was getting to grasps with this it's all going down the hill.

The code bellow checks for;

W17 which is a delivery date field. This is working correct. It displays message if date is in the past.

Now the problem is, if date is in the past I get message and if ok then the macro runs to the next step and checks for cell AX17 processed by.

Now if date is not in the past the macro does not carries on to check AX17, it just stops...

Where in the code bellow am I going wrong please?

Thank you.


[code]Else If Range("W17") = Empty Then 'Checks if there is a delivery date.
MsgBox "Please add a delivery date!", vbInformation, "Delivery date..."

If Range("w17").Value < Date Then
answer = MsgBox("The delivery date is set in the past." & vbNewLine & "Click OK if date is correct." & vbNewLine & "Click Cancel to change.", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Delivery date!")
If answer = vbCancel Then 'Exit Sub*****************------------------
If Range("AX17") = Empty Then 'Checks if there is who processed invoice.
MsgBox "Please select Processed By!", vbInformation, "Processed by..."
If Range("AZ73").Value = 0 Then
MsgBox "Invoice cannot be £0.00!", vbInformation, "Invoice total..." 'Checks invoice total must be greater than 0.
Application.ActivePrinter = "doPDF v7 on DOP7:" 'Selects doPDF to genarate PDF file of invoice.
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
"E:\Lusa\Generated Invoices\INV" & Range("L17").Text & ".pdf", _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=False, IgnorePrintAreas _
:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
If Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrinterSetup).Show Then
End If[/code]

I think your simplest

I think your simplest solution is to use Data Validation for dates... This allows you to prevent dates from being entered which are less than a date in another cell... (And it's very easy to use)