If, Then Formula

I need help! I'm trying to create a formula in a 10 year spreadsheet that populates a cell with a "replacement cost" every 14 months. So in year 1, there would not be a "replacement cost" because only 12 months have passed but in years 2-7 there would be but in year 8 there wouldn't be and so forth. I don't know if you need a remainder type formula or an If, then formula or what? Does anyone know how to create something like this?

Try this

The following function checks to see if there is any kind of remainder when the current row number is divided by 14.

=IF(MOD(ROW(),14)=0,"Replacement Cost","")

If you don't have your dates starting in the first row, you can always subtract numbers to the Row. Example if you are starting your dates in cell A3, the formula would read:

=If(MOD(ROW()-2),14),"Replacement Cost","")


Need some clarification


Can you attach some example file or can you explain your requirements in more details?

Both will be better.


Best regards.