How do I create a sheet that shows selected rows in another sheet that updates as new items are entered?

I have a spreadsheet that I will be asking people to fill in to look at their county's school policy.

County Policy

County | Component 1| Proof| Component 2| Proof
Baker | No | N/A | Yes | "No tobacco is allowed on property"
DeWitt | Yes | "Enforcement plan established" | No | N/A

So it will list county names, state yes or no whether a component is covered, and provide a quote from a policy as proof. I want to have a separate spreadsheet for each component that only shows the county name and proof for county's that answered "yes" to the specific component.

Component 1

County | Component 1| Proof
DeWitt | Yes | "Enforcement plan established"

Component 2

County| Component 2| Proof
Baker | Yes | "No tobacco is allowed on property"

Since no one has filled out the spreadsheet yet, I do not have data. Is there a way of having code for this to create sheets that show selected rows that will update as new items are entered?