help needed

I have this code:

dim PNexist
PNexist=xlapp.VLookup(xlWksLDSSConnector.Range("D" & rowIndex).value, xlWksxlWbkPNlist.Range("A2:A60000"), 1, False)
lastrow = xlWksLDSSConnector.range("B63000").end(xlUp).row
for rowIndex=4 to lastrow
if Range("D" & rowIndex)<>"" then
if PNexist="#N/A" then
xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("A" & rowIndex).Value = "ALU"
xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("D" & rowIndex)=xlapp.VLookup(xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("B" & rowIndex).value, xlWksMasterWO.Range("F4:N60000"), 3, False)
xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("G" & rowIndex)=xlapp.VLookup(xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("B" & rowIndex).value, xlWksMasterWO.Range("F4:N60000"), 8, False)
xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("J" & rowIndex)=xlapp.VLookup(xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("B" & rowIndex).value, xlWksMasterWO.Range("F4:N60000"), 6, False)
xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("K" & rowIndex)=xlapp.VLookup(xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("B" & rowIndex).value, xlWksMasterWO.Range("F4:N60000"), 4, False)
xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("L" & rowIndex)=xlapp.VLookup(xlWksLDSSFulfillment.Range("B" & rowIndex).value, xlWksMasterWO.Range("F4:N60000"), 5, False)
end if
end if

and I get the error in the image.

what am I doing wrong?

I want both if conditions to be valid before it applies the "then"

thanks for your support

Nick's picture

what are you actually trying

what are you actually trying to do ?
... the code is complaining that a range does not exist..