Formula for caluculating empty and text

Hi All,
I have to calculate a cell is having empty or not,if having it should not be completed.

if the cells is empty and not equal to Completed than 5 have to come in new cell or 0 have to come.

I'm writing Macro for this.Please help me to complete this task.

My code is
Sub ComplianceSolutionApprovalFormula()
Range("BN1").Value = "Solution Approval"
Range("BN2").FormulaR1C1 = "=IIF(OR(ISBLANK(RC[-58])),IF(RC[-58]<>""Completed"",5,0),""NA"")"
End Sub

You formula is coming out

You formula is coming out as:


I think what you want is:


There's no such thing as IIF in Excel formulas (IF does the same).
