Database Search and Output

Below is a worked example of the database (of which is much larger with circa 500 rows of data).

Reference ->    11    22    33    44    55  

     B                100   200   300   400   500 
     O                101  201    301   401   501
     X                102   202    302   402  502
                       103   203    303   403  503
     C                104   204   304   404   504
     O ->           105   205   305   405   505
     N                106   206   306   406   506
     T                 107   207   307   407  507
     E                108    208   308   408  508
     N                109   209   309   409   509
     T                 110   210    310  410   510

The task:

To create a very user friendly search and output tool that:

- When you type in a document reference number (*box contents*) into a search box, which, upon pressing the command button, shows a
*box reference number*, thus indicating whereupon that particular document is situated.

- Is so easy a child could use it to find where things are situated.

Thank you for your assistance


Nick's picture

we have a quote for you.. pls

we have a quote for you.. pls check email