kashifulhaq's blog

Conditional Formatting Using Formula

I wish to have the following conditional formatting, but I am not able to correctly put the formula. Can anyone help me with this?

Cell F39:
Color code "Green" if F39 contains text "N/A" or "Yes"
Color code "Amber" if F39 contains text "No" & F38>=1<=50000
Color code "Red" if F39 contains text "No" & F38>50000

Cell F38:
Color code "Green" if F39 contains text "N/A" or "Yes"
Color code "Amber" if F39 contains text "No" & F38>=1<=50000
Color code "Red" if F39 contains text "No" & F38>50000

Cell F37:
Color code "Green" if F39 contains text "N/A" or "Yes"

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