13-Jan-2009 NEW GRAPHING TOOL: Maths Homework Graphing Tool

So you've received your maths homework, and you're asked to answer questions about a function... but what is a function ?
Well... all it is is this:
- You have a number, and you transform it into another number !
- The first number is referred to as X
- The second number is referred to as Y
The key to understanding maths is to realise that maths is all about looking at the relationship between the 2 numbers and working out the places where interesting things happen.
Graphing the relationship can help enormously in understanding this relationship. If you throw a ball in the air, you might be interested in finding out the highest point. If you have the equation relating time taken and distance travelled, you can use maths to find this maximum point.
Well that's my bluffer's guide to maths... If you're thinking about buying a maths graphing calculator, why not consider using Excel instead ? I have written a graphing tool for you:
Step1: For you to plot Y vs X, first enter your function (Y= what?)in cell E4. so the following function:
y =(ex +1)/(xex-3)
translates to:
in Excel
Step2: Select E4, and double click on the square at the bottom right. - this will populate the Y values for each X value
Step3: Enter your start value, and end value in the boxes on the right.
NOTE: You can zoom in and out of your graph by changing these values You will now have your function graphed, and you will be able to see interesting points like: - maximums - minimums - points at which the graph crosses the axis SO... if you find a solution to your equation, and it doesn't correspond to what you're seeing on your graph, then you have made a mistake. Go back and try again !
Training Video - Maths Homework Graphing Tool
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Maths-Homework-Graphing-Tool.xls | 31 KB |
graphing tool
i would have expected that the visible range on the x axis would be the start and end values from the boxes. I graphed ATAN() between -5/+5 and the axis showed -6/+6 although only the values from -5/+5 were calculated then when I changed the range to -10/+10, it had a visible range of -15/+15 but of course the only plotted values were between -10/+10
Maths homework graphing tool
This is Excel deciding on the axes.. There's no easy way round this without using some VBA, and that might put people off using the tool.