How to get the event for application window resize

Hi, All.

I'm sorry for my English, i don't good in it, but I'l try to describe my question:

how could i resize the Userform (showmodal = false) when the Excel Application Window (Not WorkBook window) is resizing?

I want to see the Excel Application Window as MDI for all forms, creating in VBA.

Thanks, and feel free to contact me,


JPH's picture


Hello Anton,


You could use Application.Height to get the height of the excel application window.

You can get the original height and width on opening the excelsheet and put it in a range.

Only thing you have to do next is to know when the height and/or width changes. If new height <> old height then ......


Hope this helps.



Thank's a lot. I'l

Thank's a lot.
I'l try...
