Writing the content of multiple csv files to an excel sheet

Hello all,

my question will probably sound simple, as I have just started learning programming with VBA.

I am trying to use the content of multiple csv files and write it all in an excel spreasheet. All my csv files are the same, and I want to get the content (for example) of column 2,3,4 and 10 from line 27 to the end of file (which is on line 390) for each file. I want the content of each file written side by side in my excel sheet.

So far I have tried to work with some lines of codes that are not really working (this example is not really adapted to my end goal described above, it is just a first step):

Sub OpenTextFile()

Dim FilePath As String
FilePath = "C:\Users\myfile.csv"
Open FilePath For Input As #1

row_number = 1
Do Until EOF(1)

LineFromFile = 27

Line Input #1, LineFromFile

LineItems = Split(LineFromFile, ",")

ActiveCell.Offset(row_number, 0).Value = LineItems(2)
ActiveCell.Offset(row_number, 1).Value = LineItems(3)
ActiveCell.Offset(row_number, 2).Value = LineItems(4)
ActiveCell.Offset(row_number, 3).Value = LineItems(10)

row_number = row_number + 1


Close #1

End Sub

Thank you if anyone has an idea.